
Office Phone at Malibu Club:

Deliveries and Bookkeeping at the Malibu Landing:

Shipping Address:

Malibu Club
6545 Maple Rd
Egmont, BC V0N 1N0

Mailing Address:

Malibu Club
PO Box 49
Egmont, BC V0N 1N0


Sending Mail and Packages

If you are sending work crew, summer staff, campers, a-team, or intern packages or other varieties of postal love, please be sure to mark clearly their names, their role, and the dates they are at camp.

Packages will need to clear customs:

  • Have all duties and fees set to charge the sender as we are not able to pay for packages to clear customs. Items will be refused by Canada Border Services without payment. If shipping FedEx, you must create an account in order to be charged duties and fees.
  • Be sure to mark items as gifts otherwise they will be assumed to be commercially bought goods and taxed as such by Canada Border Services

Fictitious Example:

Name of Recipient
Session 1 Work Crew
Feb 1 - Feb 28, 2035
The Malibu Club
6545 Maple Road
PO Box 49
Egmont, BC V0N 1N0

Packages will be refused if duties and fees are not paid by the sender.

Sending money for use in the camp stores

If you would like to send campers, work crew, summer staff, a-team, or interns a gift card for them to use in the stores at camp, you can click the "Retail Gift Card" button below to send them an e-gift card. Some people call them a "snack tab" or a "store tab". They can be used in the Trader (clothing, gifts, books), Hamilton's Standard (coffee shop), Bead Hut (craft shop), and the Totem Inn (ice cream parlour and snacks) interchangeably.

How it works:
  • You will need their email address to put in the form
  • When the form is complete, they will receive an email with the information
  • When at camp, they can simply tell a cashier that email address that it was registered under (we can also help them look it up in the office)
  • It will work as a payment type towards anything in any of our stores in camp

Summer Hours:

8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time ​ ​ ​ Every Day

School Year Hours:

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time ​ ​ ​ Monday through Friday

Lost and Found

If you believe that you have left an item behind, please fill out the form linked below, giving as much detail as possible, and our staff will do our best to locate it.

Contact Form

Looking for sign up information? All summer campers sign up through their local Young Life club. Malibu does not​ take individual summer camp registrations ourselves, everyone signs up through Young Life in their local area. For more information on summer camping opportunities in your area, please contact your local Young Life area.